Jésus-Christ : le seul Sauveur

...ce témoignage, c'est que Dieu nous a donné la vie éternelle, et que cette vie est dans son Fils. Celui qui a le Fils a la vie; celui qui n'a pas le Fils de Dieu n'a pas la vie. Je vous ai écrit ces choses, afin que vous sachiez que vous avez la vie éternelle, vous qui croyez au nom du Fils de Dieu. 1 Jean 5:11-13

mercredi 10 août 2011

Dear Sister Farah Joseph

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your faithful work in VBS 2011.  Your efforts, and also the good job done by the youth people under your leadership, have been a blessing to all of us at Eglise Evangélique Baptiste de Siloé.   

Children are a tremendous blessing from the Lord not only to their parents but also to the church.  A church renews itself through its children and so their education in the Word is essential to the life of the church.  Teach children is a gift and a blessing and we are very glad to have you in our church family.  Like the courageous sister Rony Josema and Carmeline, you have done a great service to the families of Eglise Evangélique Baptiste de Siloé,  by guiding these young souls in their walk with Jesus Christ during the VBS, and I applaud you for your dedication to their spiritual education and well-being.

I thank you for your work and I pray for your continued success in ministry.

Congratulations !!! Be blessed,

Phalange Dormay




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